
We are always involved in innovation and we are happy to share our experiences through dissemination activity too.

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Regional Access Point: mobility data as strategic service enable factor

Autori: Fabrizio Arneodo, Danilo Botta, Giandomenico Gagliardi
Pubblicazione: Proceedings 15th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 May-2023

Mobility is subject to a disruptive period, with quick evolution in terms of Business Models, transport modalities and adopted technologies. The European Commission has addressed several of these aspects with specific normative framework based on ITS EU Directive 40/2010 and subsequent Delegated Acts. Similar challenges have happened also in Italy at central and local levels; in Piedmont Region the administration choose to apply a tailored EU approach to guarantee the Mobility Governance and address these changing times. This paper describes the adopted models, systems, and architecture at local level, but easily extendable to national level. It consists in the creation of specific local law regulation, design and implementation of Regional Access Points for Traffic and Public Transport, aimed to guarantee the monitoring and control of local services while coordinating them with central government and exchanging data with the relevant National Access Points.

people mobility system and services public transport mobility as a service intermodality national access point NeTEx DATEXII

Understanding mobility profiles and e-kickscooter use in three urban case studies in Europe

Autori: E. Boo, E. Sanvicente, E. Martins, C. Chavardes, D. Lombardi, G. Gagliardi, T. Hilmarcher
Pubblicazione: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2022 Conference, 14-17 November 2022, Lisbon, Portugal

This investigation aims to understand mobility profiles and e-kickscooter (e-ks) use by investigating three urban case studies in Europe. 398 participants took part in a survey with 56 questions regarding regular trip characteristics, mobility experience and attitudes towards e-ks. Seven distinct mobility profiles were identified in the overall sample. Four out of the seven include non-riders of e-ks and three correspond to e-ks riders (both occasional and regular). Mobility profiles were further characterised by transport habits and psychological and behavioural aspects. Results show that differences between the sociodemographic profile of respondents and urban related factors like the role of cars to satisfy mobility needs, infrastructure, safety regulations, weather and bicycle culture were likely to shape the dominant mobility profiles in each city. Moreover, the use of e-ks is still limited, both owned and shared, in all three case studies and population type. Regular riders of e-ks only represented 8% of the total surveyed population. The segmentation analysis included in this paper is a valuable source of knowledge for tailored policy and communication efforts.

e-kickscooter, micromobility, user research, urban mobility, corporate mobility, safety

Global MEC supporting automotive services: from multi-operator live trials to standardization

Authors: F. Arneodo (5T), Andrea Laganà (TIM), R. Lesca (5T), D. Sabella (Intel), altri
Publication: IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)

The automotive domain is a critical area for the introduction of MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) infrastructure in 5G systems, since it can benefit from moving cloud computing capabilities and IT service environments to the edge of the network. However, it brings several challenges, especially the need for easy data exchange in multi-operator environments. This paper describes the first known development of edge federation/roaming for a vehicular use case. This has been carried out through a MEC live trial by several international players, including network operators, neutral hosts, car manufacturers, infrastructure vendors and technology providers. It also describes the role of standards, in particular 3GPP, ETSI MEC and GSMA’s OPG (Operator Platform Group) for enabling inter-working between operators and car makers to provide global MEC support for automotive services. Trials and standards can energize the deployment of 5G and so advance the benefits of MEC for end users.


Pandemic impacts on mobility and transports

Authors: Arneodo F., Castelli R., Cerboni G.
Publication: Politiche Piemonte N. 68/2021

This article describes the data analysis methods adopted in 5T for the assessment of the impacts of the mobility restrictions in the area due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In particular, thanks to the infomobility services and support provided to local authorities for the governance of regional mobility, a series of data are collected and historicized. Appropriately processed and correlated, they can provide a series of very interesting information about the evolution of mobility on the territory. These analysis can be systematized, in the case of monitoring repetitive phenomena, or be performed promptly on specific needs, such as that linked to the impact of the health emergency on mobility.


Covid Data Mobility

Dossier Smart Road: Il nostro futuro viaggia in città

Autori: Arneodo F., Lesca R., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: rivista LeStrade N.1555/3 Marzo 2020, pg.58

Test per la guida autonoma e sistemi C-ITS avanzati, ma non solo. Sono molteplici le soluzioni smart per il trasporto a cui stanno lavorando istituzioni e imprese del capoluogo piemontese, oggi autentico laboratorio urbano. Tra i principali player tecnologici della partita, gli specialisti di 5T, società in house di Città di Torino e Regione Piemonte, che ci raccontano in esclusiva tutti gli sviluppi in corso.

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CooperativeITS V2X Urban Mobility Autonomous Driving

Estimation of public transport user behaviour and trip chains through Piedmont Region e-ticketing system

Autori: Arnone M., Dmastro T., Negrino C, Arneodo F., Botta D., Friuli G.
Proceedings of 14th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, (Postponed).

Since 2009 Piedmont Region has started the design of a Public Transport (PT) integrated electronic ticketing system (BIP – Biglietto Integrato Piemonte) on the whole regional area. The project was aimed at increasing user accessibility through more flexible electronic ticketing. This paper focuses on a specific BIP application that, using data gathered in BIP environment, enables public stakeholders to have a detailed monitoring of PT service users’ behaviours, that represents a fundamental element for PT planning, programming and management. The user behaviour estimation, based on state of art literature, covers a whole regional area with heterogeneous transport modes and a complex transport network. Results were so promising that the algorithm has become a software component used in every regional BIP PT user behaviour analysis. The following chapters provide details on data, algorithms and tests and results developed to estimate travellers’ habits through the regional BIP platform.

CooperativeITS Electronic_ticketing public_transport_planning travel_diary business_intelligence

Cooperative ITS Services Deployment in Turin

Autori:Arneodo F., Lesca R., Gagliardi G., Botta D., E. Bonetto, Brevi D.
Proceedings of 14th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, (Postponed).

The Municipality of Turin has developed a strategic plan for the evolution of currently available ITS services towards the “Cooperative” model (C-ITS). A relevant task is the implementation of core technologies for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications (V2I). This paper describes two of the City’s main initiatives focusing on connected, cooperative and automated mobility, the “Torino Smart Road” and “C-ROADS Italy 2” projects. 5T is in charge of deploying those C-ITS services on the behalf of the Municipality, also in cooperation with Links Foundation research centre. In this paper, an overview is provided for both the mobility scenarios in Turin and the existing ITS services. The C-ITS deployment activities are summarized, as well. Finally, an account is given of the prototypal implementation of a roadwork warning C-ITS service and the major technical challenges, in particular concerning the matching between DATEXII and C-ITS messaging and the implementation of a “hybrid” 5G cellular/short-range communications infrastructure

C-ITS Electronic_ticketing V2X 5G

La Centrale Regionale della Mobilità

Autori: Arneodo F.
Pubblicazione: Politiche Piemonte

In questo articolo si descrive la Centrale della Mobilità della Regione Piemonte, i principali servizi erogati per l’infomobilità ed il supporto agli enti locali nel governo della mobilità regionale. Si approfondiscono i temi relativi al monitoraggio ed al controllo del traffico, dando qualche informazione relativa alla mobilità veicolare piemontese.

Link all’articolo

FCD KPI Real_time_Data

TuST: from Raw Data to Vehicular Traffic Simulation in Turin

Autori: Rapelli M., Casetti C., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), 7-9 October 2019, Cosenza, Italy

Traffic simulations are becoming a standard way to study urban mobility patterns, to evaluate new traffic policies and to test modern vehicular technologies. For this reason, in recent years, mobility projects pushed towards an increase in the demand of traffic simulators and towards an extension of their area of investigation, aiming at covering a whole city and its suburbs.
In this paper we describe the methodology we followed in the creation of a large-scale traffic simulation of a 400-Km2 area around the Municipality of Turin. Our preliminary results demonstrate that a complete modeling of such a wide tool is possible at the expense of minor simplifications.

Urban_Mobility Transportation_Modeling Road_Traffic_Simulation Large_Scale_Traffic_Simulation

CORE project: policy, standards and harmonisation in satellite navigation based telematics for the transport of dangerous goods

Autori: Fazio D., Giaquinto D., Lia S., Arneodo F., Louette E., Mechin J.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of 25th ITS World Congress, 17-21 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dangerous goods transport regulations aims to protect everyone either directly involved (consignors or carriers), or who might indirectly become involved (emergency services, public). ADR /RID /ADN regulations assign duties and define rules, for minimising the hazards related to the carriage and the risk of incidents, and guarantee an effective response. Current regulations envisage paper form documents, for the purposes of transport operations, law enforcement and accidents (retrieved by police and emergency services).
Today, the majority of the companies transporting hazardous materials by road and rail have tracking and tracing solutions/services (satellite navigation based), which gather in electronic form most of the information required in the paper transport documents.
Over the last few decades, there has been a growing awareness of the authorities towards the benefits generated by the adoption of these solutions on a large scale, for:

  • Enhanced efficiency, safety and security (improved law enforcement and risk assessment, reduced accidents/relevant consequences, environmental damage and emergency response time)
  • Introduction of electronic (digitalised) transport documents .

Various initiatives have been developed in Europe to:

  • Increase the reliability of the tracking and tracing solutions/services through advanced technologies (e.g. based on the European GNSS and on multi-GNSS capabilities)
  • Validate the use of telematics to meet regulations and encourage the adoption of electronic transport documents.

However these initiatives are fragmented, geographically spread, lacking of a common/harmonised approach for a technical/functional architecture and standards, at national and international levels. Moreover, they require information sharing by the involved business actors and stakeholders, without robust incentive models.
In this context, the European CORE project ( develops a best practice based on a flexible architecture and standards, and involving different countries. Its outcomes contribute to the harmonisation of cross-border operations, underlying policies and regulation.

Dangerous_goods Tracking_and_tracing Multi_GNSS Harmonisation Policy Regulations Flexible_architectures Standards

Data standards for system interoperability and people mobility

Autori: Bourée K., Arneodo F., Duquesne C. , Nitsch G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria

“Mobility”, “interoperability”, and “inter-modality” are concepts expressing both objectives of services and characteristics of systems. How interoperable and intermodal systems influence personal mobility is intuitive and often discussed. In public transport, interoperability between fare systems, for instance, is an important step towards “seamless travel” by allowing users to access public transport in different areas with one single medium (“ticket”), while interoperability between trip planning systems allows for user-friendly passenger information and thus provides a necessary condition to ease the mobility of people. Truly interoperable systems follow a holistic approach in respect of transport, and provide the combination of different modes/means of transport within the same journey. CEN Technical Committee 278 WG3 developed a particularly useful standard for data structures (Transmodel) which acts as a reference for other standards, and hence facilitates the definition of the necessary requirements to make EU-wide multimodal travel information services accurate and available to all.

People_Mobility Systems_and_Services Public_Transport Mobility_as_a_Service Intermodality

Muoversi in Piemonte: an integrated platform for infomobility services

Autori: Arneodo F., Castelli R., Gagliardi G., Sabatelli F.
Pubblicazione: Geomatics Workbooks (ISSN 1591-092X), Volume 13, December 2017 (pagg. 99-109)

Muoversi in Piemonte is an integrated infomobility service on a regional scale, promoted by Piedmont Region Local Authority and managed by its in-house company 5T Srl. It offers Piedmont citizens and travelers a unique information access point relevant to the regional mobility.
This service involves several stakeholders like public and private operators from Public Transport companies, Turin Airport, Local Police, Road Police. These sources contribute in various ways to the improvement and quality of the service with up-to-date and real-time information and collaborate to spread it through different channels, reaching a high number of citizens.

Infomobility Traffic_Information Public_Transport Journey_Planner Data_Integration OpenStreetMap

An operational framework to integrate traffic message channel (TMC) in emergency mapping services (EMS)

Autori: Arco E., Ajmar A., Arneodo F. e Boccardo P.
Pubblicazione: European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 50, 2017

Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is a technology for delivering traffic information to vehicle drivers. Sources of traffic information typically include police departments, Traffic Information Centers (TICs), camera systems, traffic speed detectors, floating car data, so on. Both public and commercial TMC services are operational in many countries. TMC messages can be also exchanged among TICs formally using standard protocols. The term emergency mapping (EM) encloses all activities finalized to produce geographic data on the consequences of a natural or man-made events. Emergency mapping services (EMS) normally exploit satellite or aerial imagery in order to extract the extent of the area affected and the impact on local infrastructures. In this paper, the authors verify the impact of the integration of TMC information in routinary EMS, exploiting the flood event occurred in November 2016 in north-west Italy as a case study. After an introduction to the problem and a description of TMC technology and of EMS, all technical aspects related to the integration of the two services are deeply described. Extracted traffic events have then been integrated and compared with EM products generated for the event previously mentioned. Finally, opportunities, limits, future enhancement and refining are summarized in the conclusions.

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Traffic_Message_Channel Emergency_Mapping GIS Traffic_Information

Towards a “Smart Region” paradigm Beyond Smart Cities borders: Piedmont Region experience

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Castelli R.
Pubblicazione: IEEE Explore, June 2017

This paper describes how the Smart City paradigm can be successfully changed into the “Smart Region” concept as happened in the Piedmont Region. Different projects and technologies involved in this perspective change will be described through the genesis of the unified Centro Servizi Regionale (CSR), embodiment of the Mobility as a Service approach. CSR is not only an arrival point of this vision but it will also be the starting point of new epochal changes: its future improvements will be reported.

Smart_City Interoperability Infomobility Integration

Importance Of Data Standards For European Passenger Mobility

Autori: Bourée K., Tibaut A., Arneodo F., Bjersing U., Duquesne C., JS Knowles N., Reynolds S.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium ISEP 2017, 27 March 2017, Ljubliana (Slovenia)

In the paper, the Transmodel series of standards for public transport are proposed to address and solve data interoperability challenges for multimodal public transport domain with special focus to passenger mobility. Additionally, an implementation example of the standards is presented. The paper aims to increase the awareness for the need of ITS standards.

Harmonized_ITS_standards Reference_Data_Models Mobility Public_Transport Data_Exchange

Managing by Data the Governance of Regional Transport Network

Autori: Arneodo F. Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 11th ITS European Congress, 6-9 June 2016, Glasgow (Scotland)

In this paper, a new approach to mobility management is described as well as the Italian reference scenario, where the transportation offer is changing towards the provision of different transportation services like public transport, car sharing, bike sharing, public transport for weak mobility demand areas. The role of the Public administration becomes crucial either for the funding of public transport or the governance of the mobility services portfolio, with a change of mobility concept towards a mobility as a service one. Piedmont Region, a Local Public Administration, charged 5T Company to realize a Regional Service Centre (CSR) for the Governance of the regional mobility services. An appropriate application of ITS and Business Intelligence techniques on CSR data will enable a Managing by data approach to reach this goal.

KPI Public_Transport Business_Intelligence

DeCoClu: Density consensus clustering approach for public transport data

Autori: Fiori A., Mignone A., Rospo G.
Pubblicazione: Information Science, Volume 328, 20 January 2016, pp 378–388

Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) systems are exploited by public transport companies to manage and control their fleet of vehicles. However, these systems are usually based on the background knowledge of the transport network which can change during the time and in some cases can be missing or erroneous. GPS data and other information captured by the vehicles during their work can be exploited to update the network knowledge. This paper presents a novel approach, namely DeCoClu (Density Consensus Clustering), that aims at mining the topology of a public transport network by means of a consensus clustering density-based approach. In particular, the method exploits static information from time series of positioning signals (i.e., GPS data) to infer geographical locations of stops by means of a consensus clustering strategy based on a new distance function. Moreover, the logical pathway of a route (i.e., stops sequence) is defined by an Hamiltonian cycle. Experiments performed on real-data collections provided by a public transport company demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Data_Clustering Business_Intelligence Public_Transport Automatic_Vehicle_Monitoring

Transmodel – NeTEx – EPTIS: a European Standard for Modelling and Exchanging Fares

Autori: Arneodo F. , Boureé K., Tibaut A.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, 6-9 October 2015, Bordeaux (France)

Interoperability between fare systems is an important step towards “seamless travel” and is a necessary condition for the efficient provision of passenger information on fares across transport modes. Achieving this goal presents a technical challenge and to help reach it the European project NeTEx/EPTIS proposes a standardised data exchange format for fares that can be used across Europe. The project specifies how to model the complexity of European fare structures, using a data model based on generic concepts that can represent the core elements of any fare system, independently of any specific set of concrete fare products offered for sale, and then derives a standard interface as an XML schema implementation. The European Reference Data Model for Public Transport (Transmodel), extended to cover the requirements of heavy rail, is used as a basis for the proposed fare model. An early implementation of NeTEx is achieved by the project BIPEx.

Data_Model Public_Transport_Fares Data_Exchange

Floating Car Data for wide area traffic monitoring and forecast

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, 6-9 October 2015, Bordeaux (France)

In this paper a new perspective in traffic control using vehicular traffic data sources and the relevant evaluation methodology are presented. This study was performed in the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) project context: the SVR was developed by 5T company with the main aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region road network. This is a radical evolution of the concept: the extension and the different typology of the controlled area require some specific technical choices that are described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic physical sensors with new vehicular sensors (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about real-time data acquisition and treatment, as well as about KPI identification and estimation will be provided.

FCD KPI Real_time_Data Traffic_Forecast

Effetti della priorità semaforica ed ITS sui consumi energetici

Autori: Berger M., Bottero M., Bono M., Cassinelli P., Dalla Chiara B., Deflorio F.
Pubblicazione: Rivista Trasporti Pubblici November-December 2014, pp. 31-37

Nello studio condotto si sono raccolti ed elaborati dati relativi alla cinematica e ai consumi energetici di un campione dei tram attualmente in servizio sulla linea 4 di Torino, al fine di stimare il beneficio energetico atteso dalla priorità semaforica.

Public_Transport Automatic_Vehicle_Monitoring Urban_Traffic_Control

Tell me the bus – A new approach in developing applications for Public Transport end users

Autori: Arneodo F. Gastaldi D., Botta D.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 10th ITS European congress, 16-18 June 2014, Helsinki (Finland)

In a city like Turin (less than 1 million inhabitants) more than 57% of Public Transport (PT) users are systematic clients; in other words, they take the same bus line twice a day every single workday. These persons know their PT lines and their itinerary much better than Public Transport Companies (or our algorithms) will ever do. In this paper a change of paradigm is proposed: instead of supplying people with complex forecast and aggregated data, we investigate the way to allow them accessing real-time, low level data in a practical and user friendly way. This will enable skilled passengers to put in practice their very personal experience in understanding the status of their PT line and, in short, make their on “forecasts”.

Interoperability Infomobility Real_Time_Monitoring Mobile End_user Perception Crowdsourcing

Application of Geomatic techniques in Infomobility and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Autori: Boccardo P., Arneodo F., Botta D.
Pubblicazione: European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 47, 2014

During last years, we assisted to an increment of mobility demand, implying the need of adequate infrastructure and efficient public transport. The deployment of informative services and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) assumed a fundamental importance to address mobility demand, strictly correlated to the territory characteristics. At the same time, mature Geomatic technologies, especially related to GPS differential positioning (both in real time and in post processing), mobile mapping systems (MMS), remotely sensed imageries (aerial, satellite and UAV platforms), archiving and management systems (Spatial Data Infrastructure – SDI) will play a crucial role. These applications to infomobility and ITS are described in this paper.

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Fleet_Management Floating_Car_Data Infomobility Integrated_Ticketing Remote_Sensing Geomatic

Piedmont Integrated Ticketing An innovative and strategic (and smart) approach

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Migliasso D.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 9th ITS European congress, 4-7 June 2013, Dublin (Ireland)

This paper describes the design and implementation of the Piedmont Integrated Ticketing project (BIP – Biglietto Integrato Piemonte) and its interoperability with any public service already supporting or willing to support this technology. The interoperation among different service operators will be assured by means of a single Regional Service Centre (the “CSR-BIP”) sharing data about services and customer usage with transport operators and Public Administration, by means of a standardized transfer data protocol (called BIPEx) compliant with the most up-to-date international standards. The same informative content will be used for dedicated informative services. Moreover, all services compliant to the BIP system will be accessed by users through a pure contactless smart card, with its Card Data Model, defining its content and the rules to access it. Customers will be able to change between Public Transport operators or other transport systems (i.e. car and bike sharing) and even cultural services (EDISU or PYOU Card) or regional museums, without the need to acquire a dedicated “ticket” for each. One centre, one protocol and a single smart card will enable one of the most integrated ticketing and informative service system ever.

Integrated_ticketing Transfer_Protocol Interoperability Infomobility

Traffic Supervisor system on wide regional area

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 22-26 October 2012, Vienna (Austria)

In this paper the project for the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) is described. It is developed by 5T company with the aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region. This is not a simple extension of the current Turin Metropolitan Traffic Supervisor, but a radical evolution of the concept in terms of data sources, data types, models realization criteria and traffic assignment algorithms. 5T is developing a new SVR able to evolve all the monitoring functions to the wide regional area extension, assuring, at the same time, a correct matching of all the traffic information at all the interfaces among the various municipalities. The extension and the different typology of the controlled areas require some specific technical choices that will be described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic “physical sensor“ with new “virtual sensors” (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about data acquisition, data completion, data fusion and harmonisation will be provided. Finally, a brief description of all the informative services that will be based on the traffic data generated by the SVR system, as well as a short review of some results, is also provided.

Real_time Traffic_Monitoring Traffic_Control Traffic_Management Regional_Area Floating_Car_Data Data_Fusion Data_Integration Commercial_Road_Network_Graph

Real-time data in public transport information and travel planning

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 22-26 October 2012, Vienna (Austria)

In this paper the project for the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) is described. It is developed by 5T company with the aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region. This is not a simple extension of the current Turin Metropolitan Traffic Supervisor, but a radical evolution of the concept in terms of data sources, data types, models realization criteria and traffic assignment algorithms. 5T is developing a new SVR able to evolve all the monitoring functions to the wide regional area extension, assuring, at the same time, a correct matching of all the traffic information at all the interfaces among the various municipalities. The extension and the different typology of the controlled areas require some specific technical choices that will be described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic “physical sensor“ with new “virtual sensors” (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about data acquisition, data completion, data fusion and harmonisation will be provided. Finally, a brief description of all the informative services that will be based on the traffic data generated by the SVR system, as well as a short review of some results, is also provided.

Public_Transport Infomobility Journey_Planner Real_time_datag

S.I.MO.NE. Innovative system for metropolitan area mobility management

Autori: Arneodo F., Foti G., Cocozza M.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 16th ITS World Congress, 21-25 September 2009, Stockholm (Sweden)

S.I.MO.NE. (Innovative System for Metropolitan Area Mobility management) is a project to promote innovation in the metropolitan area mobility management. Actors involved in the reference scenario are: On Board Unit providers, Telco companies, Fleet Managers, Vehicle Service Centres and Traffic Operation Centres. Key objective of the project is the definition of a framework at national level to collect and aggregate Floating Car Data, to improve mobility management. The criteria definition to accept data coming from Fleet Managers, to project and aggregate FCD on geo-database, to perform Data Completion and to provide Value Added Services is the challenge of the project.

Communication_Protocols Data_Fusion Data_Completion Data_Collection Data_aggregation Data_exchange Floating_Car_Data Traffic_management Traffic_modelling_and_simulation Value_Added_Services

Next tools and technology for a versatile infomobility the 5t experience on google platform

Autori: Aguilar R., Cretier L., Gastaldi D., Panero R.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 7th ITS European congress, 3-6 June 2008, Geneva (Switzerland)

5T Srl is the non-commercial public company managing the traffic/PT/infomobility systems in the metropolitan area of Torino (counting more than 2M inhabitants). The 5T platform continuously grew up along years, and in 2006 it evolved into the Traffic Operation Centre of the Torino Winter Olympics. In the past years, 5T developed a state-of-the art integrated platform to let all its internal and external systems communicate each-other via standard and open technologies. Recently, we also chose the Google Earth and Google Maps tools as top level interfaces for the management of the whole distributed platform and to display to end-users the real-time data about traffic status, roadworks, parking occupation and so on. This document shortly describe some aspects of this experience.

Public_Transport Traffic Maps Web_Portal Infomobility Integration Google_Maps Google_Transit Torino Piemonte

Turin: From Pioneer Traffic Management Solutions to the Innovative “Access Rights” Control System

Autori: Antoniola M., D’Angelo P., De Cantis G., Foti G., Panero R.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 14th ITS World Congress, Bejing (China)

The increasing number of vehicles moving on the roads causes all over the world traffic problems, especially in the urban centres. The paper presents the main solutions to the urban traffic problem starting from the long experience of Turin in limited access areas and moving towards the recent experiences in pay-per-use schemes. Nevertheless the upcoming access control solutions do not take into account a set of critical factors, decisive for their sustainability. The “access rights” represent a more sustainable access control system and are able to ensure benefits in terms of both effectiveness and social acceptability of demand management solutions.

Traffic_Management Limited_Traffic_Zone Urban_Traffic_Control

List by sector

TuST: from Raw Data to Vehicular Traffic Simulation in Turin

Autori: Rapelli M., Casetti C., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), 7-9 October 2019, Cosenza, Italy

Traffic simulations are becoming a standard way to study urban mobility patterns, to evaluate new traffic policies and to test modern vehicular technologies. For this reason, in recent years, mobility projects pushed towards an increase in the demand of traffic simulators and towards an extension of their area of investigation, aiming at covering a whole city and its suburbs.
In this paper we describe the methodology we followed in the creation of a large-scale traffic simulation of a 400-Km2 area around the Municipality of Turin. Our preliminary results demonstrate that a complete modeling of such a wide tool is possible at the expense of minor simplifications.

Urban_Mobility Transportation_Modeling Road_Traffic_Simulation Large_Scale_Traffic_Simulation

La Centrale Regionale della Mobilità

Autori: Arneodo F.
Pubblicazione: Politiche Piemonte

In questo articolo si descrive la Centrale della Mobilità della Regione Piemonte, i principali servizi erogati per l’infomobilità ed il supporto agli enti locali nel governo della mobilità regionale. Si approfondiscono i temi relativi al monitoraggio ed al controllo del traffico, dando qualche informazione relativa alla mobilità veicolare piemontese.

FCD KPI Real-time Data

Floating Car Data for wide area traffic monitoring and forecast

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, 6-9 October 2015, Bordeaux (France)

In this paper a new perspective in traffic control using vehicular traffic data sources and the relevant evaluation methodology are presented. This study was performed in the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) project context: the SVR was developed by 5T company with the main aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region road network. This is a radical evolution of the concept: the extension and the different typology of the controlled area require some specific technical choices that are described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic physical sensors with new vehicular sensors (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about real-time data acquisition and treatment, as well as about KPI identification and estimation will be provided.

FCD KPI Real_time_Data Traffic_Forecast

Traffic Supervisor system on wide regional area

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 22-26 October 2012, Vienna (Austria)

In this paper the project for the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) is described. It is developed by 5T company with the aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region. This is not a simple extension of the current Turin Metropolitan Traffic Supervisor, but a radical evolution of the concept in terms of data sources, data types, models realization criteria and traffic assignment algorithms. 5T is developing a new SVR able to evolve all the monitoring functions to the wide regional area extension, assuring, at the same time, a correct matching of all the traffic information at all the interfaces among the various municipalities. The extension and the different typology of the controlled areas require some specific technical choices that will be described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic “physical sensor“ with new “virtual sensors” (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about data acquisition, data completion, data fusion and harmonisation will be provided. Finally, a brief description of all the informative services that will be based on the traffic data generated by the SVR system, as well as a short review of some results, is also provided.

Real_time Traffic_Monitoring Traffic_Control Traffic_Management Regional_Area Floating_Car_Data Data_Fusion Data_Integration Commercial_Road_Network_Graph

S.I.MO.NE. Innovative system for metropolitan area mobility management

Autori: Arneodo F., Foti G., Cocozza M.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 16th ITS World Congress, 21-25 September 2009, Stockholm (Sweden)

S.I.MO.NE. (Innovative System for Metropolitan Area Mobility management) is a project to promote innovation in the metropolitan area mobility management. Actors involved in the reference scenario are: On Board Unit providers, Telco companies, Fleet Managers, Vehicle Service Centres and Traffic Operation Centres. Key objective of the project is the definition of a framework at national level to collect and aggregate Floating Car Data, to improve mobility management. The criteria definition to accept data coming from Fleet Managers, to project and aggregate FCD on geo-database, to perform Data Completion and to provide Value Added Services is the challenge of the project.

Communication_Protocols Data_Fusion Data_Completion Data_Collection Data_aggregation Data_exchange Floating_Car_Data Traffic_management Traffic_modelling_and_simulation Value_Added_Services

Turin: From Pioneer Traffic Management Solutions to the Innovative “Access Rights” Control System

Autori: Antoniola M., D’Angelo P., De Cantis G., Foti G., Panero R.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 14th ITS World Congress, Bejing (China)

The increasing number of vehicles moving on the roads causes all over the world traffic problems, especially in the urban centres. The paper presents the main solutions to the urban traffic problem starting from the long experience of Turin in limited access areas and moving towards the recent experiences in pay-per-use schemes. Nevertheless the upcoming access control solutions do not take into account a set of critical factors, decisive for their sustainability. The “access rights” represent a more sustainable access control system and are able to ensure benefits in terms of both effectiveness and social acceptability of demand management solutions.

Traffic_Management Limited_Traffic_Zone Urban_Traffic_Control

Cooperative ITS Services Deployment in Turin

Autori:Arneodo F., Lesca R., Gagliardi G., Botta D., E. Bonetto, Brevi D.
Proceedings of 14th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, (Postponed).

The Municipality of Turin has developed a strategic plan for the evolution of currently available ITS services towards the “Cooperative” model (C-ITS). A relevant task is the implementation of core technologies for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications (V2I). This paper describes two of the City’s main initiatives focusing on connected, cooperative and automated mobility, the “Torino Smart Road” and “C-ROADS Italy 2” projects. 5T is in charge of deploying those C-ITS services on the behalf of the Municipality, also in cooperation with Links Foundation research centre. In this paper, an overview is provided for both the mobility scenarios in Turin and the existing ITS services. The C-ITS deployment activities are summarized, as well. Finally, an account is given of the prototypal implementation of a roadwork warning C-ITS service and the major technical challenges, in particular concerning the matching between DATEXII and C-ITS messaging and the implementation of a “hybrid” 5G cellular/short-range communications infrastructure

C-ITS Electronic_ticketing V2X 5G

Public Transport
CORE project: policy, standards and harmonisation in satellite navigation based telematics for the transport of dangerous goods

Autori: Fazio D., Giaquinto D., Lia S., Arneodo F., Louette E., Mechin J.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of 25th ITS World Congress, 17-21 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Data standards for system interoperability and people mobility

Autori: Bourée K., Arneodo F., Duquesne C. , Nitsch G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria

“Mobility”, “interoperability”, and “inter-modality” are concepts expressing both objectives of services and characteristics of systems. How interoperable and intermodal systems influence personal mobility is intuitive and often discussed. In public transport, interoperability between fare systems, for instance, is an important step towards “seamless travel” by allowing users to access public transport in different areas with one single medium (“ticket”), while interoperability between trip planning systems allows for user-friendly passenger information and thus provides a necessary condition to ease the mobility of people. Truly interoperable systems follow a holistic approach in respect of transport, and provide the combination of different modes/means of transport within the same journey. CEN Technical Committee 278 WG3 developed a particularly useful standard for data structures (Transmodel) which acts as a reference for other standards, and hence facilitates the definition of the necessary requirements to make EU-wide multimodal travel information services accurate and available to all.

People_Mobility Systems_and_Services Public_Transport Mobility_as_a_Service Intermodality

Importance Of Data Standards For European Passenger Mobility

Autori: Bourée K., Tibaut A., Arneodo F., Bjersing U., Duquesne C., JS Knowles N., Reynolds S.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium ISEP 2017, 27 March 2017, Ljubliana (Slovenia)

In the paper, the Transmodel series of standards for public transport are proposed to address and solve data interoperability challenges for multimodal public transport domain with special focus to passenger mobility. Additionally, an implementation example of the standards is presented. The paper aims to increase the awareness for the need of ITS standards.

Harmonized_ITS_standards Reference_Data_Models Mobility Public_Transport Data_Exchange

DeCoClu: Density consensus clustering approach for public transport data

Autori: Fiori A., Mignone A., Rospo G.
Pubblicazione: Information Science, Volume 328, 20 January 2016, pp 378–388

Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) systems are exploited by public transport companies to manage and control their fleet of vehicles. However, these systems are usually based on the background knowledge of the transport network which can change during the time and in some cases can be missing or erroneous. GPS data and other information captured by the vehicles during their work can be exploited to update the network knowledge. This paper presents a novel approach, namely DeCoClu (Density Consensus Clustering), that aims at mining the topology of a public transport network by means of a consensus clustering density-based approach. In particular, the method exploits static information from time series of positioning signals (i.e., GPS data) to infer geographical locations of stops by means of a consensus clustering strategy based on a new distance function. Moreover, the logical pathway of a route (i.e., stops sequence) is defined by an Hamiltonian cycle. Experiments performed on real-data collections provided by a public transport company demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Data_Clustering Business_Intelligence Public_Transport Automatic_Vehicle_Monitoring

Effetti della priorità semaforica ed ITS sui consumi energetici

Autori: Berger M., Bottero M., Bono M., Cassinelli P., Dalla Chiara B., Deflorio F.
Pubblicazione: Rivista Trasporti Pubblici November-December 2014, pp. 31-37

Nello studio condotto si sono raccolti ed elaborati dati relativi alla cinematica e ai consumi energetici di un campione dei tram attualmente in servizio sulla linea 4 di Torino, al fine di stimare il beneficio energetico atteso dalla priorità semaforica.

Public_Transport Automatic_Vehicle_Monitoring Urban_Traffic_Control

Tell me the bus – A new approach in developing applications for Public Transport end users

Autori: Arneodo F. Gastaldi D., Botta D.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 10th ITS European congress, 16-18 June 2014, Helsinki (Finland)

In a city like Turin (less than 1 million inhabitants) more than 57% of Public Transport (PT) users are systematic clients; in other words, they take the same bus line twice a day every single workday. These persons know their PT lines and their itinerary much better than Public Transport Companies (or our algorithms) will ever do. In this paper a change of paradigm is proposed: instead of supplying people with complex forecast and aggregated data, we investigate the way to allow them accessing real-time, low level data in a practical and user friendly way. This will enable skilled passengers to put in practice their very personal experience in understanding the status of their PT line and, in short, make their on “forecasts”.

Interoperability Infomobility Real_Time_Monitoring Mobile End_user Perception Crowdsourcing

Estimation of public transport user behaviour and trip chains through Piedmont Region e-ticketing system

Autori: Arnone M., Dmastro T., Negrino C, Arneodo F., Botta D., Friuli G.
Proceedings of 14th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, (Postponed).

Since 2009 Piedmont Region has started the design of a Public Transport (PT) integrated electronic ticketing system (BIP – Biglietto Integrato Piemonte) on the whole regional area. The project was aimed at increasing user accessibility through more flexible electronic ticketing. This paper focuses on a specific BIP application that, using data gathered in BIP environment, enables public stakeholders to have a detailed monitoring of PT service users’ behaviours, that represents a fundamental element for PT planning, programming and management. The user behaviour estimation, based on state of art literature, covers a whole regional area with heterogeneous transport modes and a complex transport network. Results were so promising that the algorithm has become a software component used in every regional BIP PT user behaviour analysis. The following chapters provide details on data, algorithms and tests and results developed to estimate travellers’ habits through the regional BIP platform.

CooperativeITS Electronic_ticketing public_transport_planning travel_diary business_intelligence

Muoversi in Piemonte: an integrated platform for infomobility services

Autori: Arneodo F., Castelli R., Gagliardi G., Sabatelli F.
Pubblicazione: Geomatics Workbooks (ISSN 1591-092X), Volume 13, December 2017 (pagg. 99-109)

Muoversi in Piemonte is an integrated infomobility service on a regional scale, promoted by Piedmont Region Local Authority and managed by its in-house company 5T Srl. It offers Piedmont citizens and travelers a unique information access point relevant to the regional mobility.
This service involves several stakeholders like public and private operators from Public Transport companies, Turin Airport, Local Police, Road Police. These sources contribute in various ways to the improvement and quality of the service with up-to-date and real-time information and collaborate to spread it through different channels, reaching a high number of citizens.

Infomobility Traffic_Information Public_Transport Journey_Planner Data_Integration OpenStreetMap

Real-time data in public transport information and travel planning

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 22-26 October 2012, Vienna (Austria)

In this paper the project for the Piedmont Regional Traffic Supervisor (SVR) is described. It is developed by 5T company with the aim of traffic monitoring, forecast and control, over all the Piedmont Region. This is not a simple extension of the current Turin Metropolitan Traffic Supervisor, but a radical evolution of the concept in terms of data sources, data types, models realization criteria and traffic assignment algorithms. 5T is developing a new SVR able to evolve all the monitoring functions to the wide regional area extension, assuring, at the same time, a correct matching of all the traffic information at all the interfaces among the various municipalities. The extension and the different typology of the controlled areas require some specific technical choices that will be described in the paper. Besides, the wideness of the controlled area requires also an integration of classic “physical sensor“ with new “virtual sensors” (Floating Car Data – FCD): details about data acquisition, data completion, data fusion and harmonisation will be provided. Finally, a brief description of all the informative services that will be based on the traffic data generated by the SVR system, as well as a short review of some results, is also provided.

Public_Transport Infomobility Journey_Planner Real_time_datag

Next tools and technology for a versatile infomobility the 5t experience on google platform

Autori: Aguilar R., Cretier L., Gastaldi D., Panero R.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 7th ITS European congress, 3-6 June 2008, Geneva (Switzerland)

5T Srl is the non-commercial public company managing the traffic/PT/infomobility systems in the metropolitan area of Torino (counting more than 2M inhabitants). The 5T platform continuously grew up along years, and in 2006 it evolved into the Traffic Operation Centre of the Torino Winter Olympics. In the past years, 5T developed a state-of-the art integrated platform to let all its internal and external systems communicate each-other via standard and open technologies. Recently, we also chose the Google Earth and Google Maps tools as top level interfaces for the management of the whole distributed platform and to display to end-users the real-time data about traffic status, roadworks, parking occupation and so on. This document shortly describe some aspects of this experience.

Public_Transport Traffic Maps Web_Portal Infomobility Integration Google_Maps Google_Transit Torino Piemonte

Transmodel – NeTEx – EPTIS: a European Standard for Modelling and Exchanging Fares

Autori: Arneodo F. , Boureé K., Tibaut A.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, 6-9 October 2015, Bordeaux (France)

Interoperability between fare systems is an important step towards “seamless travel” and is a necessary condition for the efficient provision of passenger information on fares across transport modes. Achieving this goal presents a technical challenge and to help reach it the European project NeTEx/EPTIS proposes a standardised data exchange format for fares that can be used across Europe. The project specifies how to model the complexity of European fare structures, using a data model based on generic concepts that can represent the core elements of any fare system, independently of any specific set of concrete fare products offered for sale, and then derives a standard interface as an XML schema implementation. The European Reference Data Model for Public Transport (Transmodel), extended to cover the requirements of heavy rail, is used as a basis for the proposed fare model. An early implementation of NeTEx is achieved by the project BIPEx.

Data_Model Public_Transport_Fares Data_Exchange

Piedmont Integrated Ticketing An innovative and strategic (and smart) approach

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Migliasso D.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 9th ITS European congress, 4-7 June 2013, Dublin (Ireland)

This paper describes the design and implementation of the Piedmont Integrated Ticketing project (BIP – Biglietto Integrato Piemonte) and its interoperability with any public service already supporting or willing to support this technology. The interoperation among different service operators will be assured by means of a single Regional Service Centre (the “CSR-BIP”) sharing data about services and customer usage with transport operators and Public Administration, by means of a standardized transfer data protocol (called BIPEx) compliant with the most up-to-date international standards. The same informative content will be used for dedicated informative services. Moreover, all services compliant to the BIP system will be accessed by users through a pure contactless smart card, with its Card Data Model, defining its content and the rules to access it. Customers will be able to change between Public Transport operators or other transport systems (i.e. car and bike sharing) and even cultural services (EDISU or PYOU Card) or regional museums, without the need to acquire a dedicated “ticket” for each. One centre, one protocol and a single smart card will enable one of the most integrated ticketing and informative service system ever.

Integrated_ticketing Transfer_Protocol Interoperability Infomobility

ITS Solutions Application
Global MEC supporting automotive services: from multi-operator live trials to standardization

Authors: F. Arneodo (5T), Andrea Laganà (TIM), R. Lesca (5T), D. Sabella (Intel), altri
Publication: IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)

The automotive domain is a critical area for the introduction of MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) infrastructure in 5G systems, since it can benefit from moving cloud computing capabilities and IT service environments to the edge of the network. However, it brings several challenges, especially the need for easy data exchange in multi-operator environments. This paper describes the first known development of edge federation/roaming for a vehicular use case. This has been carried out through a MEC live trial by several international players, including network operators, neutral hosts, car manufacturers, infrastructure vendors and technology providers. It also describes the role of standards, in particular 3GPP, ETSI MEC and GSMA’s OPG (Operator Platform Group) for enabling inter-working between operators and car makers to provide global MEC support for automotive services. Trials and standards can energize the deployment of 5G and so advance the benefits of MEC for end users.


Dossier Smart Road: Il nostro futuro viaggia in città

Autori: Arneodo F., Lesca R., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: rivista LeStrade N.1555/3 Marzo 2020, pg.58

Test per la guida autonoma e sistemi C-ITS avanzati, ma non solo. Sono molteplici le soluzioni smart per il trasporto a cui stanno lavorando istituzioni e imprese del capoluogo piemontese, oggi autentico laboratorio urbano. Tra i principali player tecnologici della partita, gli specialisti di 5T, società in house di Città di Torino e Regione Piemonte, che ci raccontano in esclusiva tutti gli sviluppi in corso.

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CooperativeITS V2X Urban Mobility Autonomous Driving

An operational framework to integrate traffic message channel (TMC) in emergency mapping services (EMS)

Autori: Arco E., Ajmar A., Arneodo F. e Boccardo P.
Pubblicazione: European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 50, 2017

Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is a technology for delivering traffic information to vehicle drivers. Sources of traffic information typically include police departments, Traffic Information Centers (TICs), camera systems, traffic speed detectors, floating car data, so on. Both public and commercial TMC services are operational in many countries. TMC messages can be also exchanged among TICs formally using standard protocols. The term emergency mapping (EM) encloses all activities finalized to produce geographic data on the consequences of a natural or man-made events. Emergency mapping services (EMS) normally exploit satellite or aerial imagery in order to extract the extent of the area affected and the impact on local infrastructures. In this paper, the authors verify the impact of the integration of TMC information in routinary EMS, exploiting the flood event occurred in November 2016 in north-west Italy as a case study. After an introduction to the problem and a description of TMC technology and of EMS, all technical aspects related to the integration of the two services are deeply described. Extracted traffic events have then been integrated and compared with EM products generated for the event previously mentioned. Finally, opportunities, limits, future enhancement and refining are summarized in the conclusions.

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Traffic_Message_Channel Emergency_Mapping GIS Traffic_Information

Towards a “Smart Region” paradigm Beyond Smart Cities borders: Piedmont Region experience

Autori: Arneodo F., Botta D., Castelli R.
Pubblicazione: IEEE Explore, June 2017

This paper describes how the Smart City paradigm can be successfully changed into the “Smart Region” concept as happened in the Piedmont Region. Different projects and technologies involved in this perspective change will be described through the genesis of the unified Centro Servizi Regionale (CSR), embodiment of the Mobility as a Service approach. CSR is not only an arrival point of this vision but it will also be the starting point of new epochal changes: its future improvements will be reported.

Smart_City Interoperability Infomobility Integration

Managing by Data the Governance of Regional Transport Network

Autori: Arneodo F. Botta D., Gagliardi G.
Pubblicazione: Proceedings of the 11th ITS European Congress, 6-9 June 2016, Glasgow (Scotland)

In this paper, a new approach to mobility management is described as well as the Italian reference scenario, where the transportation offer is changing towards the provision of different transportation services like public transport, car sharing, bike sharing, public transport for weak mobility demand areas. The role of the Public administration becomes crucial either for the funding of public transport or the governance of the mobility services portfolio, with a change of mobility concept towards a mobility as a service one. Piedmont Region, a Local Public Administration, charged 5T Company to realize a Regional Service Centre (CSR) for the Governance of the regional mobility services. An appropriate application of ITS and Business Intelligence techniques on CSR data will enable a Managing by data approach to reach this goal.

KPI Public_Transport Business_Intelligence

Application of Geomatic techniques in Infomobility and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Autori: Boccardo P., Arneodo F., Botta D.
Pubblicazione: European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 47, 2014

During last years, we assisted to an increment of mobility demand, implying the need of adequate infrastructure and efficient public transport. The deployment of informative services and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) assumed a fundamental importance to address mobility demand, strictly correlated to the territory characteristics. At the same time, mature Geomatic technologies, especially related to GPS differential positioning (both in real time and in post processing), mobile mapping systems (MMS), remotely sensed imageries (aerial, satellite and UAV platforms), archiving and management systems (Spatial Data Infrastructure – SDI) will play a crucial role. These applications to infomobility and ITS are described in this paper.

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Fleet_Management Floating_Car_Data Infomobility Integrated_Ticketing Remote_Sensing Geomatic

Regional Access Point: mobility data as strategic service enable factor

Autori: Fabrizio Arneodo, Danilo Botta, Giandomenico Gagliardi
Pubblicazione: Proceedings 15th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 May-2023

Mobility is subject to a disruptive period, with quick evolution in terms of Business Models, transport modalities and adopted technologies. The European Commission has addressed several of these aspects with specific normative framework based on ITS EU Directive 40/2010 and subsequent Delegated Acts. Similar challenges have happened also in Italy at central and local levels; in Piedmont Region the administration choose to apply a tailored EU approach to guarantee the Mobility Governance and address these changing times. This paper describes the adopted models, systems, and architecture at local level, but easily extendable to national level. It consists in the creation of specific local law regulation, design and implementation of Regional Access Points for Traffic and Public Transport, aimed to guarantee the monitoring and control of local services while coordinating them with central government and exchanging data with the relevant National Access Points.

people mobility system and services public transport mobility as a service intermodality national access point NeTEx DATEXII